Saturday, September 8, 2012


This week we learnt the song 'Punchinello'.  After we learnt how to say the words our teacher taught us how to sing the song.  When we all knew the words we started to play a game.  We chose one of the children in the class to be Punchinello, a funny clown.  Then we sang the first verse.

What can you do, Punchinello, funny fellow?
What can you do, Punchinello, funny you?
The child who was pretending to be Punchinello had to stand up and show us something that a funny clown would do!  Then we sang the next verse.
We can do it too, Punchinello, funny fellow.
We can do it too, Punchinello, funny you!
We all stood up and copied the action that 'Punchinello' did!  Afterwards, we sang the next verse, asking 'Punchinello' to choose the next person to take his/her place.
You choose one of us, Punchinello, funny fellow.
You choose one of us, Punchinello, funny you!
Look at us here copying the funny actions of one Punchinello.
Look at this video of other children and a clown singing 'Punchinello'!

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