Saturday, September 8, 2012

Leaf Bug

One of our classmates brought a leaf bug to school.  We are not sure of its real name but we called it a leaf bug or a leaf moth.  It had large wings that were green with tiny brown spots so them.  They looked exactly like leaves.  Some boys in the class explained to us that the bug uses camouflage to help hide from preditors such as birds.  

Look at this video of an insect called a 'Walking Leaf'.  Its body also looks exactly like a leaf!

1 comment:

  1. Hi room 19!
    You are so lucky to have a classmate to find a leaf bug and bring it to school! You have been doing awesome things so keep up the good work! You are also very lucky to have Miss B with you! She use to be my teacher too. I bet you will love having her with all of you!

