Saturday, November 28, 2015

Swimming is fun

We enjoy our swimming lessons especially when we get to retrieve the hoops from the bottom of the pool. Please help us to remember to bring our togs on Monday. Thank you. 

Working in groups

We are learning to work in groups. Each group had a different style. Some of us all wrote on the paper at the same time, others took turns to write. Most importantly, we knew we needed to contribute to the piece of work and to respect our friends' ideas. 

Saying Goodbye

Aiden told us that he was going to a new school. We wished Adien all the best and said goodbye to him. We know having friends is very important so many of us wished that he will find new friends in his new class. He has been a wonderful friend to us and we are going to miss him. 

Friday, November 27, 2015

Illustrating the poem

When Room 21 studied their poem today they thought hard about what their illustration should include. 

The best illustrators got a treat!

Learning about fractions of sets

During Math in Room 21 today we thought about ice cream! We coloured our favourite ice cream flavours then talked about them using fractions. 

Dancing takes teamwork

Room 21 visited Mrs Sadgrove yesterday. They practiced an Indian partner dance, then started learning a simple Samoan sasa. In a sasa it is important that everyone follows the instructions of the leader at the same time. 

The girls were dressed up in Samoan costumes before Mrs Sadgrove showed them how to do a special dance. The boys were the audience!

Thursday, November 26, 2015

Key Competency - Managing Self

Today we set individual goals for ourselves. We took turns to stand in front of the class and share what our goals were first thing in the morning. After lunch, we told the class if we have achieved our goals for the morning and what our goals were for the afternoon. At the end of the day, we thought about whether we achieved our goals for the afternoon.

Key Competency - Participating and Contributing

We worked in our groups to create a chart of words using elkonin boxes to help us sound out. Some of us found working in groups difficult. We are learning to
- respect our friends' work
- speak politely when we disagree
- take turns to speak
- wait patiently for our turns

Making pictures with fractions

We made our special pictures with various fractions: 1/2, 1/4, 1/5, 1/3, 1/8 and 1 whole.


Pacifika Learners' Celebration

Last evening many Pacifika students and their families gathered at school for an event to celebrate the children's learning. It was a fun night with all our Pacifika students acknowledged for their efforts.  

Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Key Competency - Relating to others

We sat together to discuss a problem we were facing in our class. We discussed how we would feel if our group of friends whom we usually play with don't want to play with us and what we can do to resolve the situation. Here's what we thought...